Media Release 06/12/2016
Centerprise is proud to announce its successful award to the new Link:2 IT Hardware and Services Framework.
This Framework is to replace the previous Link-IT Framework Agreement, which expired on 16 December 2016, and consisted of 10 lots – 3 of which Centerprise tendered for and was appointed to in 2012.
Link:2 is available to be utilised by all NHS Trusts and Public Sector Authorities, as well as all NHS SBS Members and Associated Members. It covers PC/Client hardware, ranging from laptops and tablets, to Special Clinical IT Hardware and Deployment Services. The Framework provides quality assurance of supply for all IT hardware covered under the agreement and is fully OJEU compliant.
Bidding Link:2 began in September 2016, and like its predecessor, this agreement features a total of 10 lots. In order to be awarded a place on the Framework Agreement, companies had to be ranked in the top 8 bidders. Centerprise is proud to announce its competitive position in the top 8, and its award of a place on 6 different lots.
Centerprise's 6 awarded lots are as follows: Lot 1 Desktops, Lot 2 Laptops, Lot 3 Tablets, Lot 4 Healthcare IT, Lot 7 Printers/Scanners, and Lot 8 Deployment Services.
The Agreement works in conjunction with the Link Solutions Framework, which was awarded to Centerprise in April 2016, and which covers servers and related products and services, as well as storage, networking and third party software.
Centerprise Government and Healthcare Business Unit Manager, Darren Smith, said:
"The NHS SBS Link:2 Framework win is another step in our commitment and ambition to further expand our footprint within the Healthcare vertical."
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