Wednesday, 25 March 2015

  • Wednesday, 25 March 2015
  • Centerprise International
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It may not be quite what you think. Karlee Gould explores the idea that Government buildings will soon be empty by looking at the rate of technology development. The article takes a snapshot of the typical in-house models and the recent move to outsourcing all IT as services instead.

I’ll start by openly suggesting that Governmental organisations are like all businesses. They are finding their way. And just like the rest of us, I know some of them still have relatively ancient technologies busily cranking around in the background, making the whole operation work.

In the IT industry, I frequently encounter those who use very old programs and hardware and simply attempt to modify them to keep up with the ever changing rate of technology. They might bolt something else on to a system to upgrade it or replace a few parts and pieces. On occasion they’ll replace an entire piece of equipment, to make sure they’re not completely embarrassed by them, much to their expense.

Governmental bodies have started noticing, what with the snowballing effect of Moore’s Law, that this type of procurement practice is not at all practical. Without explaining what Moore’s Law is, I cannot illustrate the greater point so allow me to explain…

In basic terms, Moore’s Law starts by looking at when the doubling of transistors in a CPU occurs and focuses on the trend in which hardware + time has ultimately seen the devaluation of technology itself. The interesting bit is the speed at which technology is developing. It applies a metric to this equation which is ultimately crashing the value of technology very quickly.

The rate at which transistors double in a CPU is every 18 months according to the ‘Law’ – an unprecedented rate which is predicted will soon have a limit, however it is envisioned that engineers will find a work around to keep up with the intense increase in complexity of components for computing hardware.

So, very simplified: if you take a brand new piece of equipment, apply only 18 months to it, its monetary worth will be half what it was, even if it’s still brand new. The new version will be double its capacity, and will cost the same or less as the previous model did at its conception. This is the essence of Moores Law in a basic nutshell.

Because technology is progressing at this rate, we see things in our technical age that those a handful of years ago would have felt were completely impossible, and a little too ‘Meet the Jetsons’ to stomach. At the current rate, we have seen our mobile phones overtake the computing power that was essential to put a man on the moon in just under 60 years. Would you have ever thought back then that moon-rocket power would fit in your back pocket and cost so little?

We see this all around us every day - like when we pick up a Blu-ray player for less than a box of chocolates or install a great home cinema system and spend more on a chair to sit in and view it.

Now take all that knowledge and apply it to the in-house technologies Governmental bodies (up until recently) employed routinely, such as servers and networking, in-house data farms, dedicated hardware to telephony or video conferencing infrastructures and other such communicative technologies which require constant physical maintenance and updates in security, etc, etc -  you get the point. Add the data consumption and processing power and there’s a recipe for needless spend and a never ending cycle of hardware.

Ultimately it brings forward the question, ‘if it’s so ludicrous to install and maintain in-house IT technologies, who would do it?’

Frankly, everyone was doing it. The difference now is that the benefits of abandoning this model have been put fully in to focus. It’s been realised that technology installed today will, in less than three years, be completely obsolete.

When adding the impending data overload to this as well, you can imagine how quickly outsourcing these technologies (as cloud-based services) instead would be much more attractive to everyone, let alone Governmental bodies.

Well, it has become evident that Government purchasing systems certainly see this attraction and have sought new ways of purchasing IT in search of something more sustainable.

The move in to purchasing IT services not only allows large organisations to deploy technologies faster, it allows them to quickly upgrade or move on to something new, when they feel necessary, to accommodate their growing demands and needs without blowing their budgets.

With these services readily available, high security mobility can be put to great use. Soon, I would expect to not only see an absence of technology infrastructure and hardware within Governmental buildings, I also believe the staff will barely inhabit them either. This is because once a cloud-based service is deployed, it can be accessed from any point, encouraging mobility in the workplace. Essentially, most ‘work’ buildings will be quite unnecessary due to staff naturally migrating to mobile device use.

The benefits of going purely cloud-based usually includes high quality maintenance and support within the service packages, reducing overall employment costs as well as the equipment itself, so hosting technology in-house becomes even less attractive.

Put simply, the bodies deciding not to jump on this band wagon will be left well behind. Eventually, they will absolutely have to make that move regardless, to keep up with advancing fellow Governmental bodies who have freed up their resources and are fulfilling their needs to remain progressive at all times.

Once Mobility and Services become common place, organisations will feel the freedom from the constraints that once came with static hardware. My estimate is that Governments and several pan-Governmental bodies will eventually be totally on the cloud and will no longer feel the confines of old IT, or the tall physical walls they were once kept in.

Since the world is shrinking, it’s probably better we do away with such huge buildings anyway.

Written By Karlee Gould, Centerprise International 

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

  • Wednesday, 18 March 2015
  • Centerprise International
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By Jeremy Nash, Business Unit Manager at Centerprise International 

By definition, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is the use of a personal device in the work environment and particularly its use to access the enterprise.  The concept becomes blurred when personal devices do not form part of the enterprise but are used for work related tasks.  Consumers of technology are becoming increasingly reliant on mobile devices to assist them in their daily lives and are seeking to introduce their ‘highly connected’ state into their working lives.  The challenge of maintaining security when creating access for personal devices is now being addressed by commercial organisations as the consequence of not doing so is a dilution of a company’s ability to maintain control over its information.

The increasing level of personal interaction with ever-present mobile devices is only set to continue with the proliferation of context aware applications and the expanding range of device types and form factors. The inconvenience of carrying and managing multiple devices of a similar type will enhance the desire of employees to converge work and personal devices.  This is evidenced in the commercial world by the majority of companies now choosing to support BYOD at some level. 

BYOD implementations within the private sector vary from the basic use of personal phones through to full integration of a suite of devices with wide ranging access to the enterprise.  The latter has been made possible through the evolving technologies of virtualisation and multi-tiered security, which enable personal and work activities to be compartmentalised on a single device.  Such technologies, together with the development of Enterprise Mobile Management capabilities enable appropriate levels of device governance, whilst affording access to enterprise commodities such as office automation tools, collaborative working environments and business applications.  These technologies have matured to a point where organisations are now in a position to enable, and enjoy the benefits of, a highly connected workforce.

So is it possible to introduce BYOD in the public sector to the same extent as has been embraced within the private sector?  The answer is yes but the route for doing so is likely to be progressive, starting with Choose Your Own Device (CYOD).  This is where the enterprise supports a limited device selection (potentially on a single mobile operating system).  This would enable a degree of convergence by offering controlled access to a range of enterprise services.  Both user experience and choice could be expanded over time by extending the operating systems and range of devices supported.  The transition from CYOD to BYOD would probably be the function of a risk balance decision that considers the business and operational drivers against and the appetite to embrace advances in technology that could mitigate the perceived security risks with allowing a device of unknown provenance (and potentially limited end point security) to connect to the enterprise. Irrespective of where the line is drawn between CYOD and BYOD there is much to be gained within the public sector by creating appropriate and managed ways for the employee to have access to devices that meet personal and professional needs.

Centerprise International has joined the limited number of ICT suppliers who offer a secure mobile device management (MDM) solution suitable for use in secure environments such as public and finance sectors.  Centerprise’s Cloud-based iOS solution offers an extensible solution that can be deployed rapidly across an organisation’s Apple estate, ensuring its employee’s benefit from the efficiencies of mobility whilst suitably protecting the organisation’s information. 

Monday, 16 March 2015

Media Release 16/03/2015

Centerprise International have been awarded a £3m MoD contract through the new Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Technology Products Framework RM1054 on 14 January 2015.

This is the first contract award under Lot 3 – Secure Technology Products and Disposals.

In collaboration with Fujitsu, Centerprise will be delivering over 6000 laptops to the Ministry of Defence as part of the Army HQ XP Laptop Refresh Project.

This project was a direct result of the British Army needing to replace their unsupported Windows XP Legacy Fleet of laptops.

Centerprise have been a major supplier to the MoD for over 3 decades. It is this consistent high level of service and demonstrated experience that has secured the contract.

Total quantities ordered as follows:

1218 units of Fujitsu E745 Lifebook Laptop

4875 units of Fujitsu E554 Lifebook Laptop

A mandatory requirement of the contract is to provide full encryption, imagining, configuration and asset management utilising Centerprise’s secure production capabilities.

Peter Thomas, Defence Account Manager at Centerprise International said;

‘This is a great win for the MoD team at Centerprise and demonstrates the excellent relationship we have with our partners’

‘By working closely with Fujitsu, we will be able to deliver this project to tight MoD timescales’
In choosing Centerprise and Fujitsu, the Army have made clear their intent to continue standardising their fleet of Laptops.

CEO of Centerprise International, Garry Stevens commented;

‘The CCS Contract was key for Centerprise to build on our success in the public sector and so it’s fantastic to have already won the first major contract of Lot 3’

‘We have always valued the Ministry of Defence as one of our most established customers and are thrilled to once again be supplying the British Army’.


Monday, 9 March 2015


Centerprise International announce the launch of their advanced Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering, a fully managed cloud solution that measures usage on an innovative ‘Cloudlet’ basis, new for 2015.

Centerprise’s PaaS offering has been brought to market to minimise the costs associated with application hosting and to stop service disruptions caused through poorly defined capacity limits.

Alongside strategic partners, Centerprise has developed a solution to this recurring industry problem by providing a truly elastic platform that grows with demand whilst ensuring customers only pay for the capacity they use. The latter being achieved though Cloudlets.

A Cloudlet is a uniquely defined unit of measure that equates to 128MB of RAM and 200MHz of processor capacity. This is roughly equivalent to 1/64th of a traditional virtual machine therefore allowing costs to be calculated on a far greater granular level.

The service is useful for developing and deploying both Linux and MS Windows–based cloud applications, so is a fine competitor to mainstream providers and puts Centerprise in a very advantageous position.

‘This offering comes as more and more organisations are moving away from traditional on premise virtualization solutions and transitioning into the cloud.’ Says Peter Franklin, part of the Centerprise Team who has been responsible for producing the Service.

His colleague continues:

“Although we have been delivering best in class managed services into the Public Sector for a number of years, this PaaS offering further reinforces Centerprise’s reputation for delivering innovation and helps us to continue to expand our footprint within Government” says System Integrators Business Manager, Jeremy Nash.

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